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What we know is a drop, what we don´t know is an ocean.
Isaac Newton

Sunday 20 January 2013

Organisation of our work

Hello again, dear chemists. Before starting or posting any experiments, we will explain how the organisation of these publications will be. Well, of course, we will include a title, followed by an objective, explaining the purpose and aim of our laboratory experiment or investigation. Depending on the nature of the experiment, we may or may not include some background information, including the references and sources of information, as well as the materials that we are going to use, and a clear method that will explain the procedure that we followed. This procedure will be complemented with different photographs, videos and pictures of the experiment itself, as well as a brief explanation of each of them. If required for the understanding of the results, we will include some graphs and tables, which will be useful to organise the data obtained and to observe the results in a clearer way. To sum up, we will also write a brief conclusion, as well as the weaknesses and possible improvements if necessary. Read us soon, Chemists!!! María, Pepe, Enrique and Mariano

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